Cosmetic Surgery Aftercare Advice

Any cosmetic surgical procedure will involve a period of recovery, where you will have to rest and refrain from some of your usual daily activities. Naturally, patients want to know in advance how long this process will take, so they can plan time off work, or arrange help carrying out household and family duties.

There is no one single answer to this question, because it will depend on the type and extent of the surgery involved. It will also vary between individuals, depending on age, fitness, and overall state of health. Your surgeon will provide you with aftercare guidelines tailored to suit your needs, which you should follow carefully.

However, there are some general steps you can take to aid your recovery. Remember that how well you manage your post-operative care and recovery plays an important role in the overall success of your surgery, and minimises the risk of developing complications.


 Take some light exercise

Strenuous exercise should be avoided until your body is fully recovered, but total bed rest is not generally recommended. It is more beneficial to take gentle walks around the house, or short walks outdoors, to encourage blood circulation. This lowers the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which occurs when a blood clot blocks a vein.

However, sudden vigorous movements may rupture scars, which have not had time to knit together fully. Your surgeon will advise you when you can take more strenuous exercise again, but it will usually be not for at least two weeks.


Eat a good balanced diet

It is extra important that your body has a good supply of vitamins and minerals to help it heal. Avoid too much convenience food, which is high in sugars and fats, and low in real nutritional value. Eat plenty of unprocessed food, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, and pulses and nuts.

Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol, to avoid becoming dehydrated. Excessive alcohol can also prevent your body from absorbing useful nutrients which will speed up your healing process, so if possible, take a complete break from drinking until you are fully recovered.


Avoid smoking

You will probably have been advised to stop smoking for at least six weeks before your surgery, and this applies to your recovery period as well. Tobacco products make it harder work for the body to heal, because it limits the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood, meaning that less will be available for your organs and tissues to repair.


Ask friends and family to help with chores

It is essential that you take periods of rest in between light movement, and avoid lifting, bending and carrying wherever possible. Before your procedure, make sure that you are up to date with chores and errands so you don’t have anything urgent to deal with when you get home.

If you have a busy household with children or pets, ask if someone is willing to help you out with taking care of them for the first few days.


If you are looking for cosmetic surgery in Hull, please get in touch today.


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