Questions To Ask Yourself Before Cosmetic Surgery

A cosmetic procedure should not be rushed into without considering your reasons carefully. While it can bring a life-enhancing change to many people, it’s important to be honest with yourself about the impact it will have on you. This is to avoid building up unrealistic expectations, and to make sure you are having the procedures for the right reasons.

Here are some questions to consider beforehand.


Why do you want to change this aspect of your appearance?

If you think that the change in physical appearance will boost your confidence and self-esteem, then this can be a valid reason for going ahead. However, it should always be for yourself, and not to please anyone else.

Some people look to surgery as a solution to solve deeper problems in their lives. Changing the way you look will not necessarily change your life or make you happier. If you are perfectionist who has always found fault with your looks, you may well be dissatisfied with the results in any case, or shift your focus to a new area of your body.


Are there other options besides surgery?

If you are hoping to achieve a more streamlined physique through surgery, it is always best to try and address the problem through diet and exercise first. If you are overweight or obese, you may not be a suitable candidate for surgery in any case. Sometimes, even quite simple changes to eating habits can make a big difference.


Are you in good enough health to undergo surgery?

Cosmetic surgery places stress on the body. While fit and healthy people should be able to recover within a reasonable timeframe, those with certain health issues may not be suitable candidates. Your surgeon should carry out a medical examination and discuss your past medical history before the procedure, to decide if you are fit enough.

It is advisable to be in the best physical shape you can be before the surgery, and to stop smoking a minimum of six weeks before your planned procedure to achieve a safer outcome. Complete cessation of smoking will improve your overall outcome and your long-term health. If you are being treated for a mental health condition, it’s important to disclose this to the surgeon at your consultation.


Do you understand the risks of surgery?

No matter how expert the surgeon, there will always be an element of risk to any surgical procedure. Make sure that you fully understand the complications that could occur, some of which can be serious.

Even successful surgery may leave you with visible scars, which may fade over time. Some people or parts of the body are naturally prone to the risk of raised, pink scars (hypertrophy) which can be improved with other measures if needed.


Do you have enough time to recover from the surgery?

The recovery period will vary depending on what type of procedure you have. Some may take several weeks to recuperate from their procedure. During this time, you may not be able to carry out your usual daily activities, such as going to work, or looking after young children. Therefore, you should make sure you have enough practical and financial support in place to allow a full recovery process.


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