
This is usually a day case surgery under general anaesthesia or local anaesthetic with sedation. A small incision is made in the skin with a cannula (used for liposuction and transfers), then connected to an extraction device.

You’ll be discharged on analgesics with a dressings review seven to ten days post-op. When large areas have been operated, elasticated clothing or bandages will be applied to minimise swelling, discomfort, bruising and help the body conform to its new shape. These garments should be worn day and night (except when showering) for a minimum of two weeks.

If a small amount of fat is removed during liposuction, you should be able to return to work within a few days. If your procedure was more extensive, you may need extra time off. The effects of the operation should be long-lasting, as long as your weight remains stable.


Post-op & Discharge


Treated with Liposuction?