Complications do occur in 8-12% of patients after this operation, although mostly minor, approximately 5-8% if patients may require revision surgery to further improve their result.
Wound infection may occur but often settles with antibiotics prescription.
Delayed wound healing can take more than four-weeks to heal.
Fluid collection above the scar (seroma / haematoma) is not uncommon and is usually treated by repeated needle aspirations until it settles.
Skin and fat necrosis may manifest as delayed healing and could require additional surgery to speed the healing process.
Prominent (hypertrophic) scars occur in around 5% of patients, and wound healing and scar quality varies between individuals.
Numbness of the abdomen is usually temporary but could be permanent.
Belly button loss is a possible but fortunately a rare occurrence (<1%).
Residual excess flank skin ('dog ears') or prominent side and central bulges may later require minor revision surgery or liposuction.
Over / under correction is a subjective judgement and is often largely dependent on the patient’s expectation.
Recurrence of tissue excess may occur over months or years, especially following weight changes or pregnancy.
Asymmetry including displacement of the umbilicus to one side maybe seen and if significant, can be improved with remedial surgery.
Anaesthetic complications are rare but the Anaesthetist will discuss these with you.The above are the more common complications but the list is not exhaustive. We’ll happily address further questions you may have.