What Does A Mummy Makeover Involve?

A ‘mummy makeover’ is a series of cosmetic procedures which are designed for women who have experienced bodily changes after having children. Areas which are most often affected include the tummy and breasts. Here’s a look at exactly what’s involved, and if it might be right for you.


Breast uplift

Many women find the effect of pregnancy and breastfeeding can leave their breasts saggy, and they want to regain their former figure. This may be to feel more confident wearing favourite outfits, or to improve their overall sense of wellbeing.

A breast uplift (also known as a (mastopexy) lifts the position of the breasts and restores the natural shape and volume. The breasts will appear firmer and higher, although the surgery does result in some permanent scarring.   


Breast augmentation

If a woman is unhappy with the size and shape of her breasts, she may also want to consider having implants to increase the volume. This procedure can be carried out at the same time as a breast uplift, or separately. The surgery will leave permanent scars; however these will normally be hidden from view underneath the breasts.

Most women who have breast augmentation opt for an increase of one to two cup sizes, which creates a natural looking profile.


Tummy tuck

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure which is designed to tighten the stomach muscles and remove excess skin, resulting in a flatter tummy and more defined waist. It may also be combined with liposuction to remove excess fat from the abdominal area, which won’t go away with regular dieting or exercise.


Who is suitable for a mummy makeover?

It is advisable to wait at least one year after giving birth before considering a mummy makeover, because it can take several months for the body to adapt to the changes of childbearing. It is also advisable to have completed your family before having surgery, because another pregnancy could undo the effects.

Breast uplift surgery may involve severing the milk ducts, so if you think you may want to breast feed in the future, discuss this with your surgeon beforehand.

As with any type of surgery, you must be in an overall good standard of health to undergo cosmetic procedures and you should be as close to your normal stable weight. Tummy tucks and liposuction should not be considered as a weight loss method.


How is the surgery carried out?

If you are having multiple procedures, you can usually opt to have them carried out all in one go, or have them done over a longer period of time. Some women prefer to have just one general anaesthetic and recovery period, although this may require a longer stay in hospital.

If you have the work carried out in stages, the recovery process will be less intense, and you can resume your normal day to day activities more quickly. After the surgery, you can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which you will be given medication and guidance on how to manage.

If you are looking for cosmetic surgery in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, please talk to us today.


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