What Is Thigh Lift & Arm Reduction Surgery?

One of the consequences of losing weight can be sagging loose skin around the thighs and arms. This happens when the skin loses its elasticity, and is unable to shrink back to its former size and shape. It can also happen as a natural part of the aging process. Some people opt to have it surgically removed, through arm and thigh lift surgery.


What are the reasons for having the procedure?

The excess folds of skin can sometimes undermine the sense of achievement from losing weight, and affect self-esteem. Having it removed improves the contours of the body, creating a sleeker silhouette which allows for more freedom when choosing clothing.

The surgery can bring greater self-confidence and improve a poor body image, and can make exercising easier. However, you should never feel under pressure to change to try and solve deeper emotional problems, or to please someone else. If you decide to go ahead, it should purely be to enhance your enjoyment of life.


What does the procedure involve?

Arm lift surgery is also known as brachioplasty, and it is a cosmetic surgical procedure to remove excess fat and skin between the armpit and the elbow. A similar procedure can also be carried out on the inner thighs. The surgery may also be combined with liposuction, to remove stubborn areas of excess fat.

Depending on the extent of the work you are having done, the surgery can take up to three hours, and is usually performed under a general anaesthetic. Excess skin and fat will be cut away from the area, and then lifted and tightened, to create a slimmer and smoother profile.  It will require an overnight stay in hospital in most cases.


Who is suitable for arm and thigh lift surgery?

Patients should be close to their stable weight, and the surgery should not be used as a shortcut to weight loss. Being in as good physical shape as you can be before the surgery will reduce the risk of any complications, and help you to recover more quickly. It is recommended that smoking is stopped at least six weeks before the surgery.


What is the recovery time?

For the first three to four weeks after surgery, you should avoid any physical exertion which may stretch the healing incision wounds.

You may be advised to wear compression bandages to control the swelling, and you may also be prescribed painkillers to manage any discomfort. The procedure carries the usual risks of any type of open surgery, including bleeding, infection, blood clots, and swelling.


Any scars should begin to flatten and fade within a year of the surgery. To maintain the firmness of your thighs and arms, you will be advised to take regular exercise and keep to a stable weight.


If you would like some information about a body lift in Yorkshire, please get in touch today.



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