What Is The Best Way To Choose A Plastic Surgeon?

Cosmetic surgery can help to enhance your appearance and self-esteem. However, to get the results that you were looking for, it’s important to spend some time selecting the right plastic surgeon for you. Here are some of the questions that you need to ask before making your final decision.


Questions to ask yourself

Before you seek a potential surgeon, it’s important to make sure that you know your reasons for seeking cosmetic surgery in the first place. Sometimes, people can pin unrealistic expectations on what plastic surgery can help them to achieve. It may be better to address issues such as poor body image or low self esteem with a counsellor first of all.

Surgery such as liposuction or a tummy tuck should not be considered as a shortcut to weight loss, and a good surgeon will require you to be at and maintain a reasonable body weight before such a procedure in any case.

To help you decide, it can be helpful to talk to people who have undergone similar procedures, and find out what their experience has been like. They may also be able to make personal recommendations about surgeons and hospitals.


Check what qualifications the surgeon has

Once you are sure about the type of surgery you want and your reasons for having it, the next step is to identify suitably qualified plastic surgeons. As well as having expertise in the area you want operated on, they should be a member of a professional association such as the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS).

The surgeon must also be registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) and be listed as a specialist in the relevant area. If they work at an independent hospital or clinic, it must be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC carries out regular inspections into standards of care, which are publicly available online.


Book a consultation

A consultation is the next step. It should be a two-way process, where you can ask questions and receive advice and information about your chosen procedure. Ask the surgeon for more detail about their training, qualification, and experience.

Find out how many of the type of procedure you want done they have performed in the past, and ask for examples of before and after photos. Ask them what sort of aftercare they provide, and what the risks and complications of the procedure might be.

The surgeon should be able to explain to you in detail what the procedure involves, the cost, how long it takes, and whether you will need a local or general anaesthetic or an overnight stay in hospital. They should also talk to you about the recovery process, what pain levels you may experience, and how long the results will last.


Don’t make a decision straight away

Even if you have a positive consultation, leave a cooling off period of at least two weeks before making a final decision. The surgeon or clinic should never pressure you with deadlines, or offer incentives such as discounts or vouchers.


If you are looking for diep flap surgery in Lincolnshire, please get in touch today.


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