Who Is Breast Uplift Surgery Suitable For?

Breast uplift surgery, known by the clinical term mastopexy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure to lift the breasts to a higher position. This may be because the breasts have become droopier with age, the effects of pregnancy, or through the effect of weight gain, followed by weight loss.  


What does a breast lift involve? 

During the surgery, the extra loose skin is removed from underneath the breasts, and the nipple is moved to a higher position. The remaining skin and tissue is reshaped around the breast to give a firmer and higher position on the chest, and a more youthful profile.  

The procedure can also be carried out on just one breast, to correct an uneven appearance. It may be combined with breast enlargement procedure, so if you want to change the size as well as the shape of the breasts, discuss this with your surgeon. 


Who can have breast uplift surgery? 

In most cases, candidates will need to have reached the age of 18, or full physical maturity, because the breasts need to have finished developing. Usually, women wait until their family is complete, because the effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding may cause the breasts to droop again.  

It may not be clinically possible to solely breastfeed after uplift surgery, so it is important to think carefully about whether you want to have any more children in the future. 

It is advisable to be in as good physical shape as you can be before surgery, to reduce risks and complications, and give yourself the best recovery process. If you smoke, try and stop at least six weeks before the surgery, and maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise.  


Questions to ask before surgery 

It is important to consider your reasons for wanting uplift surgery. A neater and more youthful profile can improve self esteem and confidence, but it won’t solve deeper unhappiness in your life. If you go ahead, it should be your decision alone, and not be influenced by social pressures to look a certain way, or to please your partner. 

If you decide to go ahead, take some time choosing a surgeon. Find out as much as you can about their qualifications, experience, success rates, and membership of professional bodies such as the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) or listings on the Specialist Register of Plastic Surgery, held by the GMC. 


What to expect before surgery 

Once you have chosen your surgeon, they should invite you to a pre-operative meeting. Your past medical history will be discussed, and you should disclose any prescription and non-prescription medications you are taking. The surgeon will then examine your breasts, and discuss what you want to achieve from the operation.  


What to expect after surgery 

The surgery itself will be carried out under general anaesthetic, and should take about two hours. You may require an overnight stay in hospital. It will take about six weeks before you can resume normal activities. Your breasts will feel sore and swollen in the weeks after the operation, and you will have scars which will fade over time. 


If you are looking for breast asymmetry correction in Lincolnshire, please get in touch today. 


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