What Is The Role of Liposuction in Cosmetic Surgery?

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure to remove unwanted deposits of fat from the body. Some people may find that they have stubborn areas of fat, especially around the middle, which won’t shift, despite a good diet and exercise routine. 

Removing the fat surgically can result in a more streamlined body shape, which can improve the self-confidence and self-esteem of the individual. 


What is liposuction? 

The procedure involves sucking the fat out through a tube. The most common areas of the body that gather stubborn areas of fat include the thighs, buttocks, hips, and tummy. It can also affect the arms, neck, and knees, and in men, there may sometimes be unwanted fatty deposits under the nipples.  


Who is a suitable candidate for liposuction? 

The procedure should not be used as a weight loss method, and the candidate should be as close to normal weight as possible. They should have made a reasonable effort to lose any unwanted weight through diet and exercise before considering cosmetic surgery. 


What does the surgery involve? 

The procedure will normally be carried out under a general anaesthetic. The areas concerned will be marked out by the surgeon, and in some cases, they will be injected with a solution to help reduce swelling and blood loss. The surgeon may also apply assisted liposuction device to break up the fat cells, via special liposuction device, laser or pressurised water jet.  

A suction tube will then be inserted into a cut in the skin, and the tube will be moved around to help loosen the fat. The loosen fat will then be suctioned out with a vacuum or syringe device. Any built up fluids will be drained from the area, and the cuts in the skin will then be sewn up.  


What is the recovery time for the surgery? 

You may need an overnight stay in hospital, and you will be advised to rest for a few days afterwards, and avoid exercise for several weeks. The length of your recovery period will depend on the amount of fat you have had removed. The area will be bruised and may be painful for about a month, and it may take up to six months for the swelling to recede.  

Therefore, it can take up to six months for the final results of the liposuction to become apparent.  


If you are looking for cosmetic surgery in Hull, please talk to us today. 


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